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『壹』 求英語高手幫忙翻譯(萬分感謝)

隨著醫葯工業的發展,制葯廢水已經成為嚴重的污染源,而中成葯生產廢水便是其中之一。Along with the development of the pharmaceutical instry, pharmaceutical wastewater has become a serious source of pollution, and the proprietary Chinese medicine proction wastewater is one of them. 此類廢水主要來自原料的洗滌水、原葯煎汁和沖洗水,COD數千mg/L,可生化性尚佳。Wastewater from the main raw materials of washing water, juice and the original drug irrigation water, thousands of COD L biodegradability is relatively good. 但是中成葯廢水水質水量波動較大,是處理難度較大的工業廢水之一。However, the quality and quantity of wastewater proprietary Chinese medicine fluctuations, and is very difficult to treat instrial wastewater. 根據中成葯廢水有機污染物濃度高、廢水的可生化性較強、色度比較高、多為間歇排放、污水成分復雜等特點,在資料分析的基礎上,採用UASB+生物接觸氧化工藝處理工藝,以達到對中成葯廢水生物處理的目的。According to proprietary Chinese medicine wastewater high concentrations of organic pollutants, the biodegradability of a stronger, more color, more for intermittent emissions, Sewage complex features of the data analysis on the basis of using UASB + biological oxidation process technology, in order to achieve its traditional wastewater biological treatment purposes. 經過上述處理工藝的處理,擬使廢水的COD由3000mg/l降到150mg/l;BOD由1800mg/l降至30mg/l;SS由700mg/l降至150mg/l,出水達到中華人民共和國《污水綜合排放標准》(GB8978-1996)中二級標准。After such processing technology, which will allow the wastewater COD dropped by molucular 150mg/l; BOD by 1800mg/l to 30mg/l; SS from 700mg/l to 150mg/l, Water reached the People's Republic of China "effluent discharge standards" (GB8978-1996), two standards.

關鍵詞 中成葯廠 廢水 生物處理Keywords proprietary Chinese medicines, biological treatment of wastewater plant

『貳』 廢水廢氣用英語怎麼說

Waste gas
waste gas_網路翻譯
waste gas 英[weist ɡæs] 美[west ɡæs]
[詞典] 廢氣版;
[例句]In instry organic waste gas purification and room air purification;
[詞典] effluent; waste water; liquid waste; outlet water;

Instrial effluent often causes a problem to people's health.

『叄』 廢水   [fèi shuǐ]什麼意思近義詞和反義詞是什麼英文翻譯是什麼

廢水 [fèi shuǐ]




  1. 在工業生產中所產生的對本生產過程無用的禪燃液體。


廢水(wastewater)是指居民活動過程中排出的水及徑流雨水的總稱。它包括生活污水、工業廢水和初雨徑流入排水管渠等其它無用水,一般指經過一定技術處理後不能再循環利用或者一級污染後制純處理難度達不到一定標準的水。 更多→ 廢水


waste water


海水 廢物蠢碼 粉塵 污水 硬水 污染 廢渣 水污染

『肆』 光伏廢水用英語怎麼說

Photovoltaic (pv) wastewater
英 ['weɪst,wɔːtə]
美 ['westwɔtɚ]

n. 廢水,污水

wastewater 廢水,廢水處理,混凝沉澱
oily wastewater 含油廢水,含油污水,油田廢水
urban wastewater 城市污水,城鎮污水,城市廢水

『伍』 工廠廢水,生活污水任意排放的翻譯是:什麼意思

工廠廢水,生活污水任意排放的翻譯是:Factory wastewater, domestic sewage discharge any

『陸』 工廠廢水的英文怎麼說

waste water from factories



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