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發布時間:2024-08-09 01:26:59

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雙語對照查看∶When it comes to the favorite animal of mine, I always have to refer to the small dog that I have raised for two years. In fact, there are many other animals that I also really like,such as pandas,penguins,dolphins and so on. But the first animal that comes in my mind is my dog.


I named him "Hachi", which comes from a moving movie story and means good luck. Hachi has black hair on his back, while the white on his kyte. What's more, he has a pair of big black eyes which makes him look so bright. In addition, a pair of ears that are always erect add to his intellegent. In a word, his cute is beyond description.


Every time I go home after school, he always waits for me at the door, with his tail swaying . when I came home, he skipped and ran around me, just like a naughty boy. I think we have built a deep sensation between us . One of the other reasons that I like him so much is that the dogs are faithful.




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