導航:首頁 > 耗材問題 > mazed和超濾膜對比


發布時間:2025-03-03 05:44:58

① maze 什麼意思


英式音標 [meɪz]

美式音標 [mez]

maze 翻譯成中文的意思:

[名詞] 迷宮; 迷惑; 錯綜復雜; 迷宮圖

[及物動詞] 使困惑; 使混亂; 迷失

復數: mazes

過去式: mazed

過去分詞: mazed

現在分詞: mazing

第三人稱單數: mazes


  1. He found his way through the complex maze of corridors.


  2. I followed him through a maze of narrow alleys.


② maze是什麼意思

KK: []
DJ: []
1. 迷宮,迷津[C]
a maze of narrow roads
2. 困惑,混亂[S]
He was in such a maze that he couldn't speak.

③ 迷宮蝴蝶,用英語怎麼說

Butterfly maze

④ mazed是什麼意思

您 maze 英式音標 [me z] 美式音標 [mez] maze 翻譯文意思: [名詞] 迷宮; 迷惑; 錯綜復雜; 迷宮圖 [及物詞] 使困惑; 使混亂; 迷失 復數: mazes 式: mazed 詞: mazed 現詞: mazing 第三稱單數: mazes [雙語例句] He found his way through the complex maze of corridors. 穿迷宮走廊 I followed him through a maze of narrow alleys. 我緊隨穿條條迂曲折窄巷 follow 及物動詞 vt. 依.跟隨 My dog follows me to school. 我的狗跟著我去上學。 貳.接在...之後 Night follows day. 黑夜接著白天。 三.沿著...行進 Follow this road to the bridge. 沿這條路一直走到橋邊。 四.追趕;追逐;追求 The dogs followed the fox. 這些狗一齊追趕著那狐狸。 5.注視;密切注意 The cat followed every movement of the mouse. 貓注視著老鼠的每一個動作。 陸.傾聽 漆.聽懂;領會 Do you follow me? 你聽懂我的話了嗎? 吧.聽從;採用;信奉 Follow my advice. 聽我的勸告。 9.因...而產生 Disease often follows malnutrition. 疾病常常起因於營養不良。 依0.從事(職業等 延著迷宮圖行



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