導航:首頁 > 廢水污水 > 減少污水廢水排放英語怎麼說


發布時間:2024-11-23 06:24:26

1. 廢水英文怎麼說啊


2. 有關污水排放建議的英語作文帶翻譯

Sewage, the benefit of mankind
With the progress of science and technology, almost every city has many factories, factory every day discharge sewage pollution of many rivers, lakes, cause most of the deaths of fish and shrimp; Also threaten the creatures of the nature and the human safety, caused great impact on human life.
I often fantasize about, if the wastewater has been treated, can become clean, drinking water, that it would be good! So I was thinking about can need a casual becomes big small "sewage treatment instrument", I put it referred to as the "basin". It can be put in the home, school, also can be installed in the factory. The "basin" is a square, the shell is a kind of trample bad pressure not flat plastic; Its heart is a piece of retractile and permanent use of filter, a deodorization function and never deformation and the rotating drum and a chip of the intelligent electric chip. The "basin" electricity is unlimited, as long as there is light, it immediately to convert light energy into electrical energy, environmental protection very much. The "basin" can automatically calculate need amount of sewage discharge, and then according to the size of the emissions to change itself. For example: a paper mill procing one ton of paper a day, as long as you gently press the red button, it will automatically calculate the emissions from the factory, according to position themselves. Gently press the green button again, "basin" start work immediately. The filter on the sewage through the entrance, all the big and small garbage will be filtered out. No garbage sewage directly into the rotating drum, rotating cylinder kept turning to remove odor, purify again. At the same time, it will join the minerals and trace elements of human need, and then discharged through exports. The treated water is very magical, people drink can not only beauty but it can strengthen physical health, sick less often. Animals drink will be more fat, and then drank the ferocious animals will become kind and lovely. The water used to irrigate the movie, the output of rice is higher. The "basin" at home, it will automatically become smaller. Home after "basin" of domestic water can be recycled. In this way, we not only achieved the purpose of saving water, protect the ecological environment of the earth. Thought of here, I like to live in a tree-lined, charactizing a fine spring day, rich natural resources, beautiful scenery... No any pollution in a country.
Thought of here, I woke with a start, I thought: this is not fantasy, this is my dream and ideal. Boys and girls, let's action, and work together to protect the environment, save water, cherish water, sewage, and for the benefit of humanity, for real!

3. 排放用英語怎麼說

問題一:排放污水用英語怎麼說 pour the dirty water into...

問題二:用吵磨英語翻譯「排放」 排放
[pái fàng]
discharge; blowoff; blowdown; issue; let ;
volley; emission; sluice; bleed:
We know how to limit greenhouse-gas emissions.
And tax carbon emissions and financial transactions.
Canada's emissions continue to grow.
India is the world's fourth largest carbon emitter.
Gas power emits just half the carbon dioxide of coal.

問題三:氣體排放用英語怎麼說 gaseous emission
英 [?g?si:?s ??m???n] 美 [??si?s ??m???n]
First, no cha *** or gaseous emission had ever existed in the temple at Delphi.

問題四:減少排放用英語怎麼說 rece / decrease the carbon release

問題五:排放污水用英語怎麼說 排放污水
Effluent discharge
Effluent discharge

問題六:汽車尾氣排放的英文怎棗辯么說 翻譯結果
Vehicle emissions in English how to say

問題七:「氣體排放」用英語怎麼說 degassing

4. 有關保護環境的英語片語

環境保護 environmental protection

提高環保意識 enhance the awareness of environmental protection

保持生態平衡 maintain ecological balance

生態系統 ecosystem

生態示範區 ecological demonstration region

生態農業 ecoagriculture

生態旅遊 ecotourism

自然保護區 nature reserve

可持續發展戰略 sustainable development strategy

防風防沙林 windbreak and sand break

宜人的生活環境 pleasant environment

節能 save energy

減排 rece greenhouse gas emissions

降低資源消耗率 slow down the rate of resource consumption

環保產品 environment—friendly proct

全球變暖 global warming

低碳經濟 low carbon economy

清潔可再生能源 clean and renewable energy sources

核能 nuclear energy

太陽能 solar energy

大功率電器 high-powered electrical appliance

二氧化碳 carbon dioxide

氣候變化 climate change

5. 減少污水排放英語

減少污水排放的英語是Rece sewage discharge


6. 污水排放量可以用增加和減少來表示嗎


7. 排放污水用英語怎麼說

排放污水 : sewage effluent

. . . 香港建造業常用英文詞彙四 ...
sewage disposal 污水排放
sewage effluent 排放污水
sewage pipe 污水管 ...
Also banned is the use of roadside ditches for irrigation or drainage purposes.

2. 禁止向生活飲用水地表水源一級保護區的水體排放污水。
It is forbidden to discharge sewage into water bodies within the firstgrade surface sources protection zones for domestic and drinking water.

3. 向城市污水集中處理設施排放污水、繳納污水處理費用的,不再繳納排污費。
Those who discharge sewage to the central treatment facilities and pay the fees for sewage treatment shall be exempted from the pollutant discharge fee.



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