Ⅰ 純凈細胞膜的獲取
(5)磷脂 蛋白質(沒有順序)
Ⅱ 純水輸入血液中會怎麼樣
Ⅲ 如何提取細胞膜(動物細胞)上的蛋白質
NRC Institute for Biological Sciences
Triton X-114 extraction protocol (Hydrophobic protein preparation)
Ressuspend cells in Solution A (dil 1/8) and add 15 μl of mammalian cocktail proteases inhibitor (Sigma).
Add 1 third of the volume of solution B
Incubate on ice for 1 hour with frequent vortexing.
Centrifuge at 10 000g for 10 minutes at 4°C to pellet unbroken cells and nuclei.
Transfer supernatant in clean eppendorfs then incubate at 30°C for 3 minutes (until sln is cloudy).
Centrifuge at 1 300g for 10 minutes at room temperature.
Transfer Aqueous phase in new eppendorf (but keep detergent phase at room temperature).
Add X volume of triton X-114 to Aqueous phase:
Vol of Aq phase = X vol of triton X-114
Shake well then incubate 3 minutes at 30°C (until cloudy) then transfer on top of detergent phase slowly.
Centrifuge at 1 300g for 10 minutes at room temperature.
Remove Aqueous phase with pipette down to detergent interphase.
Precipitate hydrophobic protein (detergent phase) with 10X volume of acetone. Place overnight at -20°C.
Pellet proteins by centrifugation at max speed for 10 minutes at 4°C. Ressuspend proteins in IEF sln (7M urea, 2M thiourea, 4% CHAPS, 1% DTT) then precipitate protein again with 10 volume of acetone. Place 5-10 min at -20°C.
Pellet proteins by centrifugation at max speed for 10 minutes at 4°C. Air dry pellet then dissolve protein in IEF solution
Solution A: 80 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4 ; 1,2M NaCl
0,63 g Tris-HCl
3,51 g NaCl
Dissolve in 30 ml of water
Adjust pH to 7.4
Adjust volume to 50 ml with water
Solution B: 40 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4 ; 600 mM NaCl ; 4% triton X-114
5 ml of sln A
Add triton to have a final concentration off 4%
4% x 10 ml = ml
[triton X114]
Adjust volume to 10 ml with water
Ⅳ 提取純凈細胞膜的實驗材料
(3)細胞膜的組成成分有脂質、蛋白質和糖類,其功能的復雜程度與 蛋白質的種類和數量有關,功能越復雜的生物膜上的蛋白質的種類和數量越多.
(1)哺乳動物成熟的紅細胞 無細胞壁,無核膜和細胞器膜,只有細胞膜一種膜結構
(3)脂質、蛋白質和糖類 蛋白質的種類和數量
(4)丙 胞間連絲(或通道) 受體
Ⅳ 純化水系統管道內的生物膜怎樣去除
純水循環預沖洗→鹼液循環清洗→純化水沖洗→鈍化→純化水再次沖洗→排放→純蒸汽消毒等幾個步驟。 ①純化水循環預沖洗:准備一個貯液罐和一台水泵,與需鈍化的管道連成一個循環通路,在貯存罐中注入足夠的常溫去離子水,用水泵加以循環, 15mm 後打開排水閥,邊循環邊排放,最好能裝一隻流量計。 ②鹼液清洗:准備 NaOH 化學純試劑,加入熱水(溫度不低於 70 ℃)配製成 1 %(體積濃度)的鹼液,用泵進行循環,時間不少於 30min ,然後排放。 ③沖洗:將純化水加入貯液罐,啟動水泵,打開排水閥排放,直到各出口點水的電阻率與罐中水的電阻率一致,排放時間至少 30mm 。 ④純化: a. 用純化水及化學純的硝酸配製 8 %的酸液,在 49 - 52 ℃溫度下循環 60min 後排放。 B. 或用 3 %氫酸(體積分數)、 20 %硝酸(體積分數)、 77 %純化水配製溶液,溶液溫度在 25 - 35 ℃,循環處理 10 - 20min ,然後排放。 ⑤初始清洗:用常溫鈍化水沖洗,時間不少於 5min 。 ⑥最後沖洗:在次沖洗,直到進、出口純化水的電阻率一致。 ⑦純蒸汽消毒:將清潔蒸汽通入整個不銹鋼管道系統,每個使用點至少沖洗 15min 。