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发布时间:2020-12-16 15:34:32

Ⅰ 关于污水处理的原版英文 带翻译的 急需



一、 用途与适用范围
二、 处理工艺
SWZ系列污水设备处理工艺,其主要处理工艺是采用目前较为成熟的生物膜法污水处理设备,对处理氨氮指标较为成熟。水质设计参数按一般生活污水水质设计计算,按进水平均BOD5:≤250mg/L,出水BOD5:≤20mg/L,进水平均CODcr:≤400mg/L,出水CODcr:≤100mg/L,进水平均NH3-N:≤40mg/L ,出水NH3-N:≤15mg/L ,进水平均SS:≤300mg/L, 出水SS:≤70mg/L,进水平均动植物油≤40mg/L,出水动植物油≤10mg/L,主要工艺路线如下:


垃 事 达
圾 故 标
清 旁 回流 排
运 通 放
上 清 液


三、 接管外形图及设备安装

四、 设备使用前检查及设备启动

五、 生物膜的培养

六、 设备运行管理

七、 维护保养及故障排除
故 障 原 因 排 除
污水流动不畅 管路或孔口有杂物堵住 用压力水或压缩空气冲刷
曝气量不足 进气口有异物堵塞 清理异物
混合液回流不畅 管道内有异物或阀门堵死 旋开阀门,用压力水冲洗
污泥提升不畅 管道内有异物或阀门堵死 旋开阀门,用压力水冲洗



Operation instructions to the DSTE
I Use and scope
This set is mainly used to treat the domestic sewage or some kind of instrial waste water, such as the waste water from the restaurant , sanatorium, or school, etc.
II. Treatment Technology
This DSTE set is mainly adopt the method of the Biomembrane method to deal with the waste water, it is a quite mature method to remove the NH4-N content in the water nowadays, the parameter of the water quality is designed according to the waste quantity containing in the raw water:
Waste intake average parameter
Effluent average parameter
The main treatment technology flow is as follow:

Kitchen sewage Oil interceptor

Intake of the sewage Bar rack Retention pool Anaerobic tank

sludge recycle

Contact oxidation tank Sediment tank disinfection tank

To disposal sludge tank
The sediment tank is erect style tank, the up-flow velocity is 0.4---0.8mm/s, contact oxidation material is stereoscopic and elastic, the specific surface area of it is 300m2/m3, the O2 supply is designed according to the BOD5 and NH3-N content in the water, and the aeration period will be 6~8 hours.
The time for waste water stay in the anaerobic tank is 2-3 hours, after contact oxidation, the waste water and sludge backflow to the anaerobic, backwater ratio is (100--200%) according to the adjustment. The time the waste water be kept in the sediment tank should more than 1.5~2 hours, sludge in the sediment tank will be exalted to the sludge tank by air waiting for the contact oxidation, then the overflow will backflow to the retention basin retreated, the sludge in the tank would be cleaned periodically.
III Installation
1.Three forms of installation: ⑴underground installation; ⑵half underground installation;⑶on the ground installation. The basement must be flat, if the set is installed underground, the height between the basement and the surface of the ground should adopt the drawing, and make the excavation width exceed 500mm out of the foundation plate , which is better for pipe installation.
2. Everything about pipe installation and connection should be taken into consideration when the set is ready. Make sure the net weight is suit with the crane, and the installation sequence should adopt the designed drawing, tight the screws with the rubber washer so as to connect the pipes, make sure there isn’t any leaking in the conit joint.
3. The install direction and position should be correct, so do the interval between them.
4. Fix the set with the surface of the ground after the installation has been finished, make sure it is firmly fixed, and the set wouldn’t move in the future. Pour in water after finish installation to the full. Make sure there isn’t any leaking on the conit joint, and make sure the set wouldn’t in version or inclined because of rise of the water under the ground.
5. After correct installation, pour some soil into the interval and make it flat, make sure:
⑴ The cover of the manhole should higher than the surface for about 100mm;
⑵ The air intake pipe on the manhole wouldn’t be blocked by the soil.
6. Connect the electrical control wire with the set, pay attention to the running direction of the blower and the submersible sewage pump. The electrical control cabinet couldn’t be kept outdoor, because the sun or rain would destroy the control board.
7. Points of attention:
⑴ The place to install the set could not store up the water when it is raining, ⑵ The water outlet pipes should be 0.4m under the surface of the ground.
⑶ Make sure that there wouldn’t any heavy things on top of it, and no tracks would get through it.
⑷ There should always some waste water in the set to prevent the floatage of the set by the underground water.
IV Examine the set and start before use
Make sure the electrical wires, control panel wires and the voltage are all accord with requirement. The local control cabinet could not only be used to control submersible sewage pumps and the blowers at the same time, but also could monitor itself according to the working condition. It also have the ability to self protect and self alarm, beside that, manual switch and automatic exchange switch are also equipped. To examine the pipes of the pump before start to see whether it is seeping or bibulous or stifled.
The pump of this set is antiblock avusion type pump, the control of two pumps is through the liquid switch in the waste water basin, working pump start to work when the height raised to the start level; the spare pump start when the height raised to the highest level; pump stop working when the height fall to the low level. Check out whether the revolving direction of the blower is correct when it is started.
When the liquid level is lower than the pump starting height, both two pumps stop working. At this time, the blower start to work intermittently, working time should between 0~30 minutes, and the period of the intermittent start should between 0~2 hours.
The control of the sludge discharge in the sediment tank is air boost discharge by the electromagnetic valve, discharging cycle: 2hours/time, discharging time: 5~8minutes/time.
The control of the set should be finished according to the computer designed working procere one time, (only under some special conditions the hand –driven control could be used). If it is necessary, the manual control of the submersible sewage pumps and the blowers and the electromagnetic valve can be realized through turning the switch on or off by hand.
V. The cultivation of the biomembrane
1. The quantity of sewage which entering in the set should accord with the rated flux with no stop.
2. The oxygen volume from the blower should reced to half amount when starting the submersible sewage pump, blower, electromagnetic valve and the CLO2 generator。
3. Observe the material filled in the contact oxidation tank, the biomembrane has finished when a piece of yellow or black dope could be found on the surface. The process costs 7~15 days.
4. The best temperature should be: 15~25℃
5. If the density of the original sewage is to low, it would cost more time to cultivate the biomembrane, so when it is necessary, some kind of furtilizer should be added.
6. The pH value should be kept between 6 and 9, so that the original sewage could reach the step of contact oxidation.
7. When start, pour in small quantity of sewage into the sewage treatment system. After the bilmembrane is finished, Sewage could enter in the system in normal flux.

VI. The management of the operation
1. Turn the blower to the normal position.
2. Let the backflow ratio of the contact oxidation tank reach the best position.
3. Working as designed, often observe the cultivative situation of the biomembrane.
VII. Maintenance and fix the breakdown
1. Make sure that there wouldn’t any solid material content in the sewage, to prevent the block of the pipes.
2. Cover the manhole of the set so as to prevent the droping of some solid material.
3. The pH value should be kept between 6 and 9, in order to keep a better condition for cultivation.
4. Change the lubricating oil in the blower one time every six months.
5. Keep the entrance of the blower unblocked.
6. Fix the breakdown
fault reason method
No enough water flow Sth. block in the pipe Clean by pressure water or air
No enough aeration volume Sth. block in the entrance of the blower Clean it
No enough refluence of the mix liquid Sth. block in the pipe or entrance of valve Unscrew the valve, clean it by pressure water
No enough refluence of the sludge Sth. block in the pipe
or entrance of valve Unscrew the valve, clean it by pressure water

Ⅱ 污水方面的英语翻译

生物转盘系统以经预处理的污水为研究对象,有机负荷为0.03 kg COD/m3 /day。污水分析结果如表1和图9所示。出水COD浓度范围为80~303mg/L,平均值为144mg/L,BOD出水浓度范围为30~146mg/L,平均值为73mg/L。油脂类出水浓度范围为5~66mg/L,平均值为20.9mg/L。平均总悬浮物浓度为23.6mg/L。根据已有数据可知,经处理的污水可以达到埃及法律规定的标准,该标准规定了排入污水处理厂的工业污水的流量。

试验期间,UASB反应器以经预处理的污水为研究对象,试验控制两个有机负荷,分别为6.8 kgCOD/m3 .d和9 kgCOD/m3 .d。水力停留时间分别控制在8h和6h,实验结果如图10所示。由数据可知,将有机负荷从6.8提高到9 kgCOD/m3 .d不会对系统COD去除效果产生影响,两有机负荷条件下的COD平均去除率分别为60%和61%。相应的进水COD分别为1045和1038 mgO2 /l(如表1所示)。负荷变化也没有对BOD去除效果产生影响,BOD平均去除率分别为71%和73%。剩余悬浮固体分别为43和57 mg SS/l,根据已有结果,建议厌氧处理的水力停留时间为6小时,该值符合埃及法律规定的排入污水处理厂的工业废水的规定标准。

Ⅲ 请翻译成英文 关于污水处理的

this is a split flow system project, water,rain water and sewage go into each pipe line respectively,
sanitary sewage;toilet sewage goes into community underground sewage pipeline after disposed in septic tank,kitchen waste water after separated in separation tank goes into underground sewage pipeline,
rain water;according to regulations,collect it into pool then discharge them into neighborhood rainwater pipeline,
instrial waste water;this equipment proces waste water by coating spraying process,sewage quantity about 128m3/d,the proction waste water first goes into sewage plant to be disposed by standard procere,then discharge into sewage pipeline,
the material and layout of drainage pipe ;pe double layer corrugated pipe is adopted for outside pipelines,and UPVC for inside pipeline,

Ⅳ 求高人帮助翻译下面的一段英文。(关于生物法处理制革废水)如下图。

Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs)

Ⅳ 求废水处理英文文献一篇

Raw Influent (Sewage) is the liquid waste from toilets, baths, showers, kitchens, sinks etc. Household waste that is disposed of via sewers. In many areas sewage also includes some liquid waste from instry and commerce. In the UK, the waste from toilets is termed foul waste, the waste from items such as basins, baths, kitchens is termed sullage water, and the instrial and commercial waste is termed trade waste.

The division of household water drains into greywater and blackwater is becoming more common in the developed world, with greywater being permitted to be used for watering plants or recycled for flushing toilets. A lot of sewage also includes some surface water from roofs or hard-standing areas. Municipal wastewater therefore includes residential, commercial, and instrial liquid waste discharges, and may include stormwater runoff. Sewage systems capable of handling stormwater are known as combined systems. Such systems are usually avoided since they complicate and thereby rece the efficiency of sewage treatment plants owing to their seasonality. In addition, heavy storms may overwhelm the sewage treatment system, causing a spill or overflow. It is preferable to have a separate storm drain system for stormwater.

The construction of combined sewers is a less common practice in the United States and Canada than in the past and is no longer accepted within building regulations in the UK and other European countries. Instead, liquid waste and stormwater are collected and conveyed in separate sewer systems, referred to as sanitary sewers and storm sewers in the U.S. and as foul sewers and surface water sewers in the UK. Overflows from foul sewers designed to relieve pressure from heavy rainfall are termed storm sewers or combined sewer overflows.

As rainfall runs over the surface of roofs and the ground, it may pick up various contaminants including soil particles, (sediment), heavy metals, organic compounds, animal waste, and oil and grease. Some jurisdictions require stormwater to receive some level of treatment before being discharged directly into waterways. Examples of treatment processes used for stormwater include sedimentation basins, wetlands, and vortex separators (to remove coarse solids).

The site where the process is concted is called a sewage treatment plant. The flow scheme of a sewage treatment plant is generally the same for all countries:

Mechanical treatment;
Influx (Influent)
Removal of large objects
Removal of sand and grit
Biological treatment;
Oxidation bed (oxidizing bed) or aeration system
Post precipitation
Chemical treatment (this step is usually combined with settling and other processes to remove solids, such as filtration. The combination is referred to in the US as physical-chemical treatment.).

Ⅵ 工业废水处理率的英文怎么说

Treatment rate of instrial waste water
treatment rate of
treatment rate of instrial effluents
treatment rate of instrial wastewaters
As the rate of municipal wastewater treatment going up in our country, the amount of sludge proced in the treatment process increase a lot.

Ⅶ 污水处理厂一般流程用英语表述

The general proceres for the waste water treatments.

The waste water is allowed to go through the filtering grids to the preliminary sedimentation pool, and then to the biological reaction pool, and again into the secondary sedimentation pool.

Ⅷ 关于污水处理过程的英语作文

Title: Process in Recycle of Used Water.
A huge amount of used water are proced in our daily life. Treatment of used water not only prevents environmental pollution also saves water resource. Recyle of used water is usually involved in the following process. First, used water is introced into a sewage plant where the water are left steady for certain time. Precipitates are separated and used for fertilizers. The remaining water can be regarded as ordinary water which either is discharged into river or introced into a purification plant for fresh water.
Therefore, we must save water in our daily life!

Ⅸ 用英文翻译“你们是怎么处理工业废水的”

How do you deal with instrial effluents.


What are you going to do with instrial effluents.

Ⅹ 废水 翻译成英语是什么waste water还是polluted water

liquid waste
waste water
The chemical companies are poisoning our rivers with effluent.
Does the company maintain its own waste-water treatment plant?
How can they get rid of waste water in this way?



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